Hong Kong Trademark Registration
Your #1 Trusted Hong Kong Trademark Registration ExpertHong Kong Trademark Registration Pricing
One Class
- Hong Kong trademark registration for 1 class
- Including government fees
- Valid for 10 years
Two Classes
- Hong Kong trademark registration for 2 classes
- Including government fees
- Valid for 10 years
Three Classes
- Hong Kong trademark registration for 3 classes
- Including government fees
- Valid for 10 years
We offer trademark registration services for the Mainland China, Taiwan, the United States, Canada, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, European Community and Switzerland as well. Contact us for more details!
Trademarks are an important part of business – they signify that the intellectual properties that belong to your company are yours alone. While many businesses trademark their names to distinguish themselves from others, many other things can be trademarked, including designs, goods, packaging, signs, and much more. All in all, they are an extremely useful tool for any business to have under their belt – which is why you should seriously consider registering a trademark on those core aspects of your business or service.
Registering a trademark in Hong Kong allows you a great deal of protection – it ensures that all your trademark rights are upheld, and that anyone else trying to use your trademarked material faces legal action that will certainly go in your favor. However, it can be difficult to actually kickstart this registration process, which is why we are here to help. Corporate Hub Hong Kong will be able to take care of all the complicated paperwork for you, allowing you to focus on more pressing matters when setting up your business here in Hong Kong. Whatever you are looking to trademark, we will be able to ensure the registration process is completed as comprehensively as possible, so you have maximum legal protection. Don’t leave yourself open to other businesses stealing your intellectual properties – hire Corporate Hub Hong Kong today, and we guarantee that you will be delighted with the results we can provide.
We also offer trademark registration services for companies and individuals in other countries as well. To find out more about how we can help you, wherever you might be in the world, just contact us today for more information. We’ll be delighted to hear from you!

How to Register a Trademark in Hong Kong
In order to benefit from having a registered trademark in Hong Kong you need to register it with the Intellectual Property Department of the Hong Kong government.
You can make this application online if you wish. Or you can go to the Department and register it in person.
You can only register a trademark if you already own and use the trademark or if you clearly intend to use the trademark. If you don’t use the trademark for at least three years in a row then the Department may choose to revoke the trademark on the grounds of non-use.
After you file the application it will be reviewed by the Trade Marks Registry to ensure that it complies with the Hong Kong law. They also need to check that you aren’t trying to register a trademark that is already owned by someone else in the same category of goods or services as the trademark you are filing.
If the trademark is rejected by the Department, such as in the case it does conflict with an existing trademark, then you have a few options. You can appeal the decision to try and force your trademark through, alter the trademark and file for a different one, or have the objection subject to a hearing that may overrule it.
If your trademark is accepted then it is published in the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal. This doesn’t mean that the process is complete however. There is a grace period where a third party can object to your trademark. They can object on a few grounds including having a trademark of their own that is similar to yours. In the event that the trademark is disputed everything is overseen by a hearing officer.
If you make it past this phase then the trademark is officially registered and you are issued with a Certificate of Registration for that trademark.
If you’d like some professional help filing a trademark in Hong Kong then please do not hesitate to contact us.